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141 results German - English substring search »
Großbetrieb {m}   -   large concern
großer Auftrag   -   large order
Grossbetrieb   -   large concern
in großem Umfang   -   large scale
in großem Umfang   -   large-scale
Großunternehmen   -   large concern
im großen ganzen   -   by and large
große Plätze  {pl}   -   large squares  {pl}
großspurig reden   -   to talk large
massenhaft   -   large quantities of
Großeinsatz {m}   -   large scale operation
Grosseinsatz   -   large scale operation
hohe Wahlbeteiligung {f}   -   large ballot
in großem Maßstab   -   on a large scale
Groß...   -   large-scale; large-capacity
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