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205 results German - English substring search »
mischen {v} (Metalle)   -   to alloy
Blech {n}   -   sheet metal
Fahrplan   -   timetable
metallisch   -   metally
Metapher {n}; übertragener Ausdruck   -   metaphor
beschottert   -   metaled
Chelation   -   chelation, chemical combination with heavy metal (medical)
metallisch   -   metallic
metallisch, metallen   -   metallic
Metallsaege   -   hacksaw
Metallsäge {f}   -   hacksaw
Seil (Metall) {n}   -   rope
Seil {n} (Metall)   -   cable (metal)
Metadaten {pl}   -   meta data
Metallegierung   -   alloy
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interest, n.: What borrowers pay, lenders receive, stockholders own, and burned out employees must feign.
processing time: 0.716 [sec]

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