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156 results German - English substring search »
Objektträger   -   object slide
das Testobjekt   -   test object
Maschinencode {m}; Zielcode {m}   -   object code
Objektträger {m}   -   object slide
Versuchsobjekt {n}   -   test object
Zielsprache {f}   -   object language
Objektschutz {m}   -   object security
Pfandgegenstand   -   pawned object
Ablaufrechner {f}   -   object computer
Akkusativobjekt {n}   -   direct object
Kaufobjekt {n}   -   object of purchase
Nebengedanke {f}   -   secondary object
Programmlaufdauer {f}; Programmlaufzeit {f}   -   object time
Gegenstand; Objekt; Ziel   -   object
Objektschutz {m}   -   object protection
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"No problem is so formidable that you can't walk away from it." -- C. Schulz
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