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447 results German - English substring search »
Kasse {f}; Verkaufsplatz {m}   -   point of sale
Punktlast   -   point load
Tiefpunkt {m}   -   low point
Wende {f}   -   turning point
Einzellast   -   point load
Festpunkt, Festkomma   -   fixed-point
Nullpunkt {m}   -   zero point
Spielball {m} (Tennis)   -   game point
Stichpunkt {m}   -   key point
treffend   -   to the point
Brennpunkt, Blickpunkt   -   focal point
Datenpunkt {m}   -   data point
deuten auf   -   to point to
Festpunkt {m}; Festkomma {n}   -   fixed-point
hinweisen   -   to point out
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Concept, n.: Any "idea" for which an outside consultant billed you more than $25,000.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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