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232 results German - English substring search »
Rest {m}   -   carryover
Rest {m} [math.]   -   remainder
Armlehne   -   arm rest
Rast {f}   -   rest; break
Ruhezeit   -   rest time
basieren   -   to rest upon
usw., etc. : und so weiter, et cetera   -   etc. : et cetera, and so on, and the rest
Auflage {f}; Stütze {f}   -   rest; support
der Ruheraum   -   rest room
Altenwohnheim, Altenheim, Alterssiedlung   -   rest home, residential home for the elderly (medical)
Kamm, Gipfel, Wappen   -   crest
ruht   -   rests
Forst, Wald   -   forest
Haft {f}   -   arrest
Mähne {f}   -   crest
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"I DO want your money, because god wants your money!" -- The Reverend Jimmy, from _Repo_Man_
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