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119 results German - English substring search »
Unterlieferant {m}   -   second source
Ausgangsstoff {m}   -   source material
Bezugsquelle {f}; Lieferquelle {f}   -   source of supply
Gewährsmann {m}   -   informant; source
Originalbeleg {m}   -   source document
Primärprogramm {n}   -   source program
Energieträger {m}   -   source of energy
Erwerbsquelle {f}   -   source of income
Spannungsquelle {f}   -   voltage source
Ausgangssprache {f}   -   source language
Einnahmequelle {f}   -   source of income
Nachschubquelle   -   source of supply
Primärbibliothek {f}   -   source library
Quellenmaterial {n}   -   source material
Abzugspflicht   -   deduction at source
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I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob. -- William F. Buckley
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