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94 results German - English substring search »
weibliche Note   -   female touch
freundliche Note   -   happy touch
menschliche Note   -   human touch
kontaktiert   -   gets in touch with
Sensorbildschirm {m}   -   touch screen
Zehnfingersystem {n}   -   touch system
persönliche Note {f}   -   personal touch
Beruehrungsbildschirm   -   touch-screen
Berührungsbildschirm {m}   -   touch-screen
in Verbindung bleiben   -   to keep in touch
Aufsetzen und Durchstarten   -   touch-and-go
Kontaktschalter {m}   -   touch sensitive switch
in Verbindung bleiben   -   keep in touch with
auf (per) Knopfdruck   -   at the touch of a button
nachbessern   -   to touch up; to do some touching-up on
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Mr. Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.
processing time: 0.328 [sec]

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