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50 results German - English substring search »
Former {m}   -   molder
Former {m}   -   shaper
frühere   -   former
ehemalig   -   former
Former {pl}   -   shapers
erstgenannt   -   former
früher; ehemalig   -   former
Spreizer {m}   -   shaping former
ehem. : ehemalig   -   - : former
Bombierfelge {f}   -   shaping former
Kristallbildner {m}   -   glass former
in damaliger Zeit   -   in former times
im ersteren Fall   -   in the former case
Abbiegebock {m} (Spulenfertigung)   -   former (insulated coil)
Aufbauscheibe {f}   -   former; building drum
   |    next 15 »
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