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24 results German - English substring search »
Klima {n}   -   climate
Preisklima   -   price climate
Betriebsklima   -   work climate
Betriebsklima   -   human climate
der Klimawandel   -   climate change
Geschäftsklima, Wirtschaftsklima   -   business climate
die Klimaänderung   -   climate change
Wirtschaftslage, Konjunkturlage   -   economic climate
gemäßigtes Klima   -   moderate climate
Wachstumsklima   -   climate for growth
Wirtschaftsklima, Geschäftsklima   -   economic climate
Investitionsklima   -   investment climate
Bauklimatik {f}   -   building climate control
DKRZ   -   German Climate Computation Center
Klima des Vertrauens   -   climate of confidence
   |    next 15 »
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." -- Mark Twain
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