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107 results German - English substring search »
Erde {f}   -   earth
Erde {f}; Welt {f}   -   earth
Erde; Welt   -   earth
Erdwall   -   earth wall
Erdwälle   -   earth walls
Erdwälle {pl}   -   earth walls
Erddamm   -   earth fill dam
Erdstrom {m}   -   earth current
Heilerde {f}   -   healing earth
Erdkruste {f}   -   earth's crust
Erdbewegung {f}   -   earth moving
Erdmantel {m}   -   earth's mantle
Bleicherde {f}   -   Fuller's earth
Fullererde {f}   -   Fuller's earth
Masse {f} (elektrisch)   -   earth; ground [Am.]
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"Gort, klaatu nikto barada." -- The Day the Earth Stood Still
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