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123 results German - English substring search »
natürlich   -   natural
natürlich, naturgemäß   -   natural
Dentitio, Dentition, Zahnen, Zahnung   -   dentition, set of natural teeth (medical)
natürliche   -   natural
Erdgas {n}   -   natural gas
Naturtalent {n}   -   natural
Naturseide {f}   -   natural silk
Naturfarbe   -   natural colour
Naturstein {m}   -   natural stone
die Naturkost   -   natural food
naturgemäßere   -   more natural
Naturrecht   -   natural justice
Naturzement   -   natural cement
naturgemäßeste   -   most natural
Naturkunde {f}   -   natural history
   |    next 15 »
"Home life as we understand it is no more natural to us than a cage is to a cockatoo." -- George Bernard Shaw
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