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30 results German - English substring search »
Fuss   -   feet
Füße {pl}   -   feet
Fuesse   -   feet
die Füße   -   feet
Senkfüße {pl}   -   flat feet
- : Fuß (Längenmaß)   -   f, ft, ft. : foot, feet
Schwimmfüße {pl}   -   web feet
das Fernweh   -   itchy feet
zarte Füße   -   tender feet
Blattvorschub {m}   -   bill feet
Standlappen {m} (von Gefäß)   -   beaded feet
Augenfältchen {pl}   -   crow's feet
Fältchen {n}   -   wrinkle; crow's-feet
aufspringen   -   to spring to one's feet
Acrocyanosis haemopathica, blaue Verfärbung der Körperenden   -   acrocyanosis, blueness of hands & feet l' acrocyanose (medical)
   |    next 15 »
"If John Madden steps outside on February 2, looks down, and doesn't see his feet, we'll have 6 more weeks of Pro football." -- Chuck Newcombe
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