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368 results German - English substring search »
bekam   -   got
abbekommene   -   got off
aufgestanden   -   got up
drangen   -   got through
eingestiegen   -   got in
ausgestiegen   -   got out
berauschte   -   got drunk
geschmutzt   -   got dirty
gewöhnte   -   got used to
verirrtem   -   got astray
verstaubte   -   got dusty
abgekriegt; bekam   -   got
aufbekommene   -   got open
ereiferte   -   got excited
hingeratene   -   got there
   |    next 15 »
"If you want to eat hippopotamus, you've got to pay the freight." -- attributed to an IBM guy, about why IBM software uses so much memory
processing time: 0.93 [sec]

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