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92 results German - English substring search »
Mangel, Knappheit, Bedürfnis   -   want
Mangel {m}; Bedarf {m}; Bedürfnis {n}   -   want
wünschen, brauchen, Mangel   -   want
verlangen, benötigen, wünschen   -   want
wollen   -   to want
mangels   -   for want of
Suchanzeige {f}   -   want ad
[ Personenname ]   -   Want
Suchanzeigen {pl}   -   want ads
wünschen; wollen   -   to want
aus Mangel an, mangels   -   for want of
in Ermangelung   -   for want of
Mangel an Geld   -   want of money
mangelndes Geld, Geldmangel   -   want of money
Mangel an Kapital   -   want of funds
   |    next 15 »
"If you want to eat hippopotamus, you've got to pay the freight." -- attributed to an IBM guy, about why IBM software uses so much memory
processing time: 0.385 [sec]

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