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55 results German - English substring search »
Knopf, Taste   -   button
Knopf {m}   -   button
Knopf {m}; Taste {f}   -   button
Schaltfläche {f}   -   button
zuknöpfen   -   to button up
Druckknopf {m}; Drucktaste {f}; Drucktaster {m}   -   push button
Hemdknopf {m}   -   shirt button
Stopptaste {f}   -   stop button
Tastenknopf {m}   -   key button
[ Personenname ]   -   Button
Druckknopf {m}   -   press button
Taste {f}; Taster {m}   -   button; pushbutton
Auswurftaste {f}   -   eject button
der Druckknopf   -   push button
der Druckknopf   -   push-button
   |    next 15 »
"Indecision is the basis of flexibility" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
processing time: 0.135 [sec]

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