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427 results German - English substring search »
Marke, Fabrikat   -   make
machen, herstellen   -   make
Fabrikat {n}   -   make
machen   -   to make
machen   -   to make {made; made}
Späße {pl}   -   make fun
Umbruch {m} (Drucktechnik)   -   make-up
Schminke {f}; Make-up {n}   -   make-up
Struktur {f}; Verfassung {f}   -   make-up
Aufmachung   -   make-up
Aufmachung {f}; Ausstattung {f}; Ausstaffierung {f}   -   make-up
vermachen, überschreiben   -   make over
davonmachen   -   make off
Vorwand, Vorspiegelung   -   make-believe
lärmen   -   to make a noise
   |    next 15 »
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
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