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409 results German - English substring search »
zu   -   too
auch   -   too
allzu   -   too
überdies   -   too
zu; auch   -   too
allzu   -   far too
zu lange   -   too long
Decubitus, Dekubitalgeschwür, Dekubitalnekrose, Druckbrand, Druckgangrän, Druckgeschwür, Wundliegen, Durchliegen, Dekubitus   -   decubitus, bedsore from lying down too long, pressure sore (medical)
[ Personenname ]   -   Too
nur zu gut   -   only too well
auch; allzu; überdies   -   too
- : zu spät   -   2L8 : too late
denkfaul   -   too lazy to think
Er kam zwar, doch war's zu spät.   -   He came alright, but too late.
zu viel; zuviel [alt]   -   too much
   |    next 15 »
"No one gets too old to learn a new way of being stupid."
processing time: 0.959 [sec]

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