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197 results German - English substring search »
dick   -   fat
dick   -   gross
dick   -   thick
dick, fett   -   plump
dick   -   turbid
dick   -   grossly
dick   -   thickly
dick   -   turbidly
Schwanz, der   -   prick, dick, johnson (penis)
fett; dick   -   fat
dicht; dick   -   thick
dick; dicht   -   thick
kolorektal, Dick- und Mastdarm betreffend   -   colorectal, colon and rectum-related (medical)
[ Personenname ]   -   Dick
Hinz und Kunz   -   every Tom, Dick and Harry
   |    next 15 »
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away". -- Philip K. Dick
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