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289 results German - English substring search »
Abschlussest {m}   -   final program test
der Sozialplan   -   redundancy program
Asynchronprogamm   -   asynchronous program
kodieren (kodierte, kodiert)   -   to program (comp.)
Gesamtabsatzplan   -   overall marketing program
Speicher einer Steuerung   -   controller program
Quizsendung {f}   -   quiz program; quiz programme [Br.]
vom Spielplan absetzen   -   to drop from the program
alternativer Progammpfad   -   alternative program path
Ausstieg {m} aus der Kernenergie   -   opting out of the nuclear energy program
Originalsendung {f}   -   live program; live programme [Br.]
Defekt {m}; Mucken {pl}; Programmfehler {m}   -   bug
Fehler {m} (in Computerprogrammen)   -   bug
Lehrer, Lehrprogramm   -   tutor
Lehrer {m}; Lehrprogramm {n}   -   tutor
   |    next 15 »
"There is no statute of limitations on stupidity." -- Randomly produced by a computer program called Markov3.
processing time: 1.009 [sec]

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