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280 results German - English substring search »
Sorge {f}   -   care
sorgen, Sorge, Sorgfalt, Fürsorge   -   care
Sorgfalt {f}; Behandlung {f}; Pflege {f}   -   care
per Adresse   -   care of
Fußpflege {f}   -   foot care
Fusspflege   -   foot care
Sorgfältigkeit {f}   -   care
Hauspflege {f}   -   home care
Machs gut!   -   Take care!
Sorgfaltspflicht   -   care
[ Personenname ]   -   Care
sorgen für   -   to care for
Zahnpflege {f}   -   dental care
Kinderpflege {f}   -   child care
sei vorsichtig   -   take care
   |    next 15 »
"You need tender loving care once a week - so that I can slap you into shape." -- Ellyn Mustard
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