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58 results German - English substring search »
Theorie {f}   -   theory
theoretisch   -   in theory
Mengenlehre {f}   -   set theory
Lohntheorie   -   wages theory
Spieltheorie {f}   -   game theory
Wellentheorie {f}   -   wave theory
Geldtheorie   -   monetary theory
Geldtheorie   -   theory of money
Kerntheorie {f}   -   nuclear theory
Graphentheorie {f} [math.]   -   graph theory
Scheibentheorie   -   plate theory
Zahlentheorie {f}   -   number theory
Farbenlehre {f}   -   theory of colours
Theorie der Spiele   -   game theory
Zahlentheorie {f}   -   theory of numbers
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...though his invention worked superbly -- his theory was a crock of sewage from beginning to end. -- Vernor Vinge, "The Peace War"
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