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70 results German - English substring search »
Creme, Sahne   -   cream
Rahm {m}; Sahne {f}; Creme {f}; Obers {n} [Ös.]   -   cream
Schmant {m} (Sahne)   -   cream
Schmant {m}   -   sour cream
cremewei   -   cream white
Speiseeis {n}   -   ice cream
Schuhkrem {f}   -   shoe cream
Wundcreme {f}   -   rash cream
Rahmkäse {m}   -   cream cheese
der Sauerrahm   -   sour cream
die Fettcreme   -   rich cream
Eisbombe {f}   -   ice cream bomb
Frischkäse {m}   -   cream cheese
Schlagrahm {m}   -   whipped cream
der Sauerrahm   -   soured cream
   |    next 15 »
A new koan: If you have some ice cream, I will give it to you. If you have no ice cream, I will take it away from you. It is an ice cream koan.
processing time: 0.163 [sec]

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