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38 results German - English substring search »
Institut {n}   -   institute
einrichten, einsetzen, Institut   -   institute
Geldinstitut   -   lending institute
Kreditanstalt {f}   -   credit institute
einrichten; gründen   -   to institute
Anstalt {f}   -   establishment; institute
RIKEN-Institut   -   the RIKEN Institute
Versuchsanstalt {f}   -   research institute
Institutsleiter   -   head of an institute
Institutsleitung   -   institute's management
Institutssatzung   -   bylaws of an institute
Max-Planck-Institut   -   Max Planck Institute
Institutsentwicklung   -   institute's development
Begehung eines Instituts   -   institute evaluation
Dolmetscherinstitut {n}   -   institute for interpreters
   |    next 15 »
Academy: A modern school where football is taught. Institute: An archaic school where football is not taught.
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