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248 results German - English substring search »
Zustand {m}   -   condition
Bedingung   -   condition
Bedingung, Voraussetzung, Zustand   -   condition
Bedingung {f}; Voraussetzung {f}; Zustand {m}; Stellung {f}   -   condition
bivalent   -   two-condition
Bedingung {f}   -   condition; term
Klimaanlage {f}   -   air condition
Kondition   -   condition (medical)
unversehrt   -   in sound condition
Fehlerzustand {m}   -   error condition
Nebenbedingung {f} [math.]   -   side condition
Straßenzustand {m}   -   road condition
unter der Auflage   -   on condition
Auflage {f}; Bedingung {f}   -   condition; requirement
der Istzustand   -   actual condition
   |    next 15 »
Accident, n.: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better. -- Foolish Dictionary
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