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115 results German - English substring search »
Polizei {f}   -   police
Spitzel {pl}   -   police spies
Revier {n}; Polizeiwache {f}   -   police station
Polizeihund {m}   -   police dog
[ Personenname ]   -   Police
offene Police, Generalpolice   -   open policy
Polizeifunk {m}   -   police radio
polizeilich   -   by the police
Polizeistaat {m}   -   police state
der Einsatzwagen   -   police car
Polizeigewalt {f}   -   police power
Geheimpolizei {f}   -   secret police
Grenzschutz {m}; Grenzpolizei {f}   -   frontier police
Polizeirevier   -   police station
Alpingendarm {m}   -   mountain police
   |    next 15 »
Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably parked.
processing time: 0.272 [sec]

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