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99 results German - English substring search »
BASIC   -   Basic
Basic   -   Basic
basisch   -   basic
Last {f} im Grundzustand   -   basic load
grundlegend   -   basic
Nennmaß {n}   -   basic size
Nennmass   -   basic size
Grundlohn   -   basic wage
Grunddaten   -   basic data
Grundtarif   -   basic rate
Ansatz {m}   -   basic approach
Grundgebühr {f}   -   basic fee
Grundgesetz {n}   -   basic law
Grundlohn {m}   -   basic wages
Grundpreis   -   basic price
   |    next 15 »
BASIC, n.: A programming language. Related to certain social diseases in that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.
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