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199 results German - English substring search »
Firma   -   company
Begleitung {f}; Begleiten {n}   -   company
Firma {f}   -   firm; company
Unternehmen {n}   -   company
Bankhaus   -   bank company
Gesellschaft {f}   -   company
Gesellschaft {f}; Kompanie {f}   -   company
Dienstauto {n}   -   company car
Firmenname   -   company name
Firmenlogo {n}   -   company logo
AG   -   public limited company
Reederei {f}   -   shipping company
Multi   -   multinational company
Versandhaus   -   catalog company
Fremdfirma {f}   -   external company
   |    next 15 »
BASIC, n.: A programming language. Related to certain social diseases in that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.
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