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430 results German - English substring search »
deuten, Punkt   -   point
Punkt {m}   -   point
Punkt {m} [math.]   -   point
Spitze {f} (Kinn-; Messer-)   -   point
weist   -   point at
zeigen   -   to point
zeigen, auf etwas zeigen   -   point at
Sollwert   -   Set-point
aufzeigen, hinweisen   -   point out
Kasse, Verkaufsplatz   -   point of sale
Satzball {m}   -   set point
Sollwert {m}   -   set point
Standpunkt   -   point of
Taupunkt {m}   -   dew point
weisen   -   to point out
   |    next 15 »
Bathquake, n.: The violent quake that rattles the entire house when the water faucet is turned on to a certain point. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
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