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75 results German - English substring search »
Inspektion, Kontrolle   -   inspection
Kontrolle {f}   -   Inspection
Inspektion {f}   -   inspection
Betrachtung {f}   -   inspection
Überprüfung {f}; Inspektion {f}   -   inspection
Untersuchung {f}   -   inspection
Prüfung {f}   -   inspection; test
Handlampe {f}   -   inspection lamp
Stablampe {f}   -   inspection lamp
zur Ansicht   -   for inspection
Prüfniveau {n}   -   inspection level
Einsichtnahme {f}   -   for inspection
Endkontrolle   -   final inspection
Waffenappell {m}   -   arms inspection
Fleischbeschau   -   meat inspection
   |    next 15 »
Be careful how you get yourself involved with persons or situations that can't bear inspection.
processing time: 0.17 [sec]

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