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14 results German - English substring search »
Bahnhof {m}   -   station
Bahnhof {m}; Station   -   station
Station {f}   -   station
Bhf. : Bahnhof   -   Sta., Stn : station
stationär {adj}   -   stationary
Stationen {pl}   -   stages
Bahnhoefe,stationiert   -   stations
Bahnhöfe {pl}   -   stations
Endstation   -   terminal
Endstation, Endstelle   -   terminus
Abscheu {f}   -   detestation
Endstation {f}; Endstelle {f}   -   terminus
Endstationen {pl}   -   termini
instationär   -   transient
Bingo, gas station, hamburger with a side order of airplane noise, and you'll be Gary, Indiana. - Jessie in the movie "Greaser's Palace"
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