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172 results German - English substring search »
Ton {m}   -   tone
Ton {m} (geol.); tönern   -   clay
Hör-, Ton-   -   audio
Ton {m}   -   audio
Ton {m}   -   chime
Ton {m}   -   sound
Lehm {m} (Ton)   -   clay
Tonne {f}   -   ton
Tonne {f} (Massemaß)   -   ton
büßen, gut machen, Ersatz leisten   -   atone
Fass, Tonne, Lauf, Rohr   -   barrel
Kern {m}; Obstkern {m}   -   stone
Klang {m}   -   tone
schick   -   tony
Stab {m}   -   baton
   |    next 15 »
Booker's Law: An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction.
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