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103 results German - English substring search »
Freund   -   friend
Freund, Freundin, Bekannter, Bekannte   -   friend
Freund {m}; Freundin {f}; Bekannter {m}; Bekannte {f}   -   friend
Freundin   -   girl friend
Freund; Freundin   -   friend
[ Personenname ]   -   Friend
naher Freund   -   near friend
Busenfreund {m}   -   bosom friend
wahrer Freund   -   real friend
ein treuer Freund   -   a fast friend
Geschäftsfreund   -   business friend
Jugendfreund {m}   -   school day friend
Geschäftsfreund {m}   -   business friend
Kinderfreund {m}   -   friend of children
gemeinsamer Bekannter   -   mutual friend
   |    next 15 »
Cheit's Lament: If you help a friend in need, he is sure to remember you-- the next time he's in need.
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