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394 results German - English substring search »
Zeit {f}   -   time
Zeit {f}; Takt {m}; Tempo {n}   -   time
zeitlich   -   time
kurz   -   short-time
Frist, zeitliche Begrenzung   -   time limit
im Nu   -   in no time
wenn   -   by the time
Auszeit {f}; Unterbrechung {f}; Pause {f}   -   time-out
diesmal   -   this time
einmalig   -   one-time
Frist {f}   -   time limit
pünktlich   -   on time
Echtzeit   -   real time
ganztags   -   full-time
halbtags   -   half-time
   |    next 15 »
Davis' Law of Traffic Density: The density of rush-hour traffic is directly proportional to 1.5 times the amount of extra time you allow to arrive on time.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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