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85 results German - English substring search »
Schale, Muschel   -   shell
Granate {f}   -   shell
Außenhaut {f}; Gerippe {n}; Muschel {f}; Schale {f}   -   shell
Aussenhaut, Gerippe, Granate, Muschel, Schale   -   shell
Eierschale, die   -   egg shell
Schale [math.]   -   shell
Eierschale {f}   -   egg shell
Seemuschel {f}   -   sea shell
[ Personenname ]   -   Shell
Atomhülle {f}   -   atomic shell
Rohbau {m}   -   shell of building
Dränschicht, Filterschicht   -   pervious shell
Lagerschale {f}   -   bearing shell
Schildpatt {n}   -   tortoise shell
Schneckenhaus {n}   -   snail shell
   |    next 15 »
Death is a spirit leaving a body, sort of like a shell leaving the nut behind. -- Erma Bombeck
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