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74 results German - English substring search »
- : Regierung {f}   -   Gov., Govt. : government
Regierung {f}   -   government
Autonomie, Selbstverwaltung   -   self government
Autonomie {f}; Selbstverwaltung {f}   -   self government
Landesregierung, Regierung   -   government
Landesregierung {f}; Regierung {f}   -   government
staatseigen   -   government owned
Staatsanleihe   -   government bond
Staatsanleihe {f}   -   government loan
Staatsform {f}   -   form of government
Staatskasse {f}   -   government coffers
Staatspapier {n}   -   government stocks
Geschäftsführer {m} der Regierungspartei   -   government whip
Selbstverwaltung   -   self-government
Staatsanleihen {pl}   -   government loans
   |    next 15 »
Elephant, n.: A mouse built to government specifications.
processing time: 0.361 [sec]

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