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426 results German - English substring search »
Satz {m}; Reihe {f}; Garnitur {f}   -   set
Menge {f} [math.]   -   set
Aufbau   -   set-up
Datei {f}   -   data set
aufrüsten   -   set up
einrichten   -   set-up
einstellen   -   to set
hungrig   -   sharp set
Schaltung {f}   -   set-up
Dentitio, Dentition, Zahnen, Zahnung   -   dentition, set of natural teeth (medical)
Radsatz {m}   -   wheel set
Sollwert   -   Set-point
vorbereiten   -   set up
anfangen   -   to set off
Codeliste {f}   -   code set
   |    next 15 »
Friends, n.: People who borrow your books and set wet glasses on them. People who know you well, but like you anyway.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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