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46 results German - English substring search »
ergibt   -   results
Befund {m} [med.]   -   results
Befunde, Folgen   -   results
Befunde {pl}; Folgen {pl}   -   results
ergibt   -   results in
Ergebnisse   -   results
resultiert   -   results
die Ertragslage   -   results
befunden   -   found of results
Ergebnisse {pl} des Geschäftsjahres   -   trading results
Endergebnisse {pl}   -   final results
Suchergebnisse {pl}   -   search results
Wahlergebnis {n}   -   election results
das Suchergebnis   -   search results
Erfolgsanteil {m}   -   share in results
   |    next 15 »
Gilbert's Discovery: Any attempt to use the new super glues results in the two pieces sticking to your thumb and index finger rather than to each other.
processing time: 0.12 [sec]

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