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235 results German - English substring search »
muss   -   must
Most {m} (für Wein)   -   must
musst   -   must
Moder {m}; Schimmel {m}   -   must
müssen   -   must
müssen, Notwendigkeit   -   must
Brunst {f}   -   must
[ Personenname ]   -   Must
Ich darf nicht.   -   I must not.
muss rein sein, müssen rein sein   -   must be clean
der Käufer muss   -   the buyer must
müssen prüfen of   -   must verify that
der Verkäufer muss   -   the seller must
muss ein Datum tragen   -   must be dated
Er muss krank sein.   -   He must be sick.
   |    next 15 »
Grief can take care of itself; but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with. -- Mark Twain
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