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72 results German - English substring search »
Hoffnung   -   hope
hoffen   -   to hope
erhoffe   -   hope for
Hoffnung {f} (auf)   -   hope (for)
verzagt   -   gives up hope
verzagte   -   gave up hope
[ Personenname ]   -   Hope
Ich hoffe es.   -   I hope so.
verzagen   -   to give up hope
Hoffnung (auf)   -   hope (for)
Hoffnung erwecken   -   raise hope
Lichtblick {m}   -   ray of hope; comfort
Wohl bekomm's!   -   I hope you like it!
eine schwache Hoffnung   -   a slight hope
Ich hoffe, Sie unterstuetzen meinen Plan.   -   I hope you'll back my plan.
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Hope is a waking dream. -- Aristotle
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