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30 results German - English substring search »
Städte {pl}   -   cities; towns
[ Personenname ]   -   Towns
Kleinstädte {pl}   -   small towns
Kleinstaedte   -   small towns
Seestädte {pl}   -   seaside towns
Trabantenstädte {pl}   -   satellite towns
Buerger   -   townsman
Buerger   -   townsmen
Bürger {m}   -   townsman
Bürger {m}   -   townsmen
Gemeinde {f}   -   township
Slums {pl}   -   shantytowns
Städter {pl}   -   townsfolk
Gemeinden {pl}   -   townships
Stadtbild {n}   -   townscape
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I hate small towns because once you've seen the cannon in the park there's nothing else to do. -- Lenny Bruce
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