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145 results German - English substring search »
halb   -   half
half   -   helped
Hälfte   -   half
Hälfte {f}   -   half
half ab   -   remedied
halbwegs   -   half-way
- : halb   -   hf : half
halbtags   -   half-time
halbvoll   -   half-full
Halbbyte {n}   -   half-byte
halbleer   -   half-empty
Halbmond {m}   -   half moon
halboffen   -   half open
Halbwort {n}   -   half-word
   |    next 15 »
I think I'm schizophrenic. One half of me's paranoid and the other half's out to get him.
processing time: 0.397 [sec]

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