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95 results German - English substring search »
Wurf {m}   -   throw
werfen   -   to throw {threw; thrown}
Einwurf {m} (Sport)   -   throw-in
Auswurf {m}   -   throw-off
Fehlwurf {m}   -   no-throw, miss
wegwerfen   -   throw away
einwerfen   -   to throw in
Handzettel   -   throw-away
hinwerfen   -   to throw down
rauswerfen   -   to throw out
wegwerfen   -   to throw away
überwerfen   -   to throw over
hinauswerfen   -   to throw out
verscherzen   -   to throw away
sich übergeben   -   to throw up
   |    next 15 »
If you keep anything long enough, you can throw it away.
processing time: 0.245 [sec]

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