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93 results German - English substring search »
Kiste   -   chest
Brust {m}; Brustkorb {m}   -   chest
Kasten   -   CHEST
Kasten   -   chest
Kasten, Brust, Koffer   -   chest
Kasten {pl}; Kiste {f}; Koffer {m}   -   chest
Brusthaar, Brusthaare {n,pl}   -   chest hair
Kommode {f}   -   chest of drawers
Schieberkasten {m}   -   steam chest
Werkzeugschrank {m}   -   tool chest
Hausapotheke {f}   -   medicine chest
Brustbeschwerde {f}   -   chest trouble
Brustumfang {m}   -   chest measurement
Kiste {f}   -   box; case; chest; crate
Angina pectoris, Brustenge, Engbrüstigkeit, Herzbräune, Stenokardie   -   angina pectoris, angina in the chest (medical)
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It's hard to keep your shirt on when you're getting something off your chest.
processing time: 0.409 [sec]

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