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76 results German - English substring search »
sein; seine   -   his
pst   -   hist
diese   -   this
Dieses   -   This
Dieses   -   this
Joint {m} (Haschischzigarette)   -   joint
Whist {m}   -   whist
ethisch   -   ethic
wischt   -   whisks
zischt   -   hisses
Bedauere, dieser Platz ist besetzt.   -   Sorry, this seat is taken.
Beschiss {m} (coll.)   -   scam
Grieche {m}; griechisch   -   Greek
Junker {m} (historisch)   -   Junker
Meißel {m}   -   chisel
   |    next 15 »
It will be advantageous to cross the great stream ... the Dragon is on the wing in the Sky ... the Great Man rouses himself to his Work.
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