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295 results German - English substring search »
Flanke {f} (Fußball)   -   wing
Fluegel   -   wing
Flügel {m}   -   wing
Flügel {m}; Tragfläche {f}   -   wing
Fittich {f}   -   wing
Kotflügel {m}   -   mud wing
Tragwerk {n}   -   wing unit
Tragwerke {pl}   -   wing units
[ Personenname ]   -   Wing
Fluegelmutter   -   wing nut
Flügelmutter {f}   -   wing nut
anschl., folg. : anschließend, folgend   -   f., foll. : following
Kraft, Einfluss, Wirkung, zwingen, Zwang   -   force
Kraft, zwingen   -   force
Gosse, Zwinger   -   kennel
   |    next 15 »
It will be advantageous to cross the great stream ... the Dragon is on the wing in the Sky ... the Great Man rouses himself to his Work.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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