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422 results German - English substring search »
hat   -   has
plaudert   -   has a chat
vespert   -   has a snack
[ Personenname ]   -   Has
frühstückt   -   has breakfast
fiebert   -   has a temperature
Hase {m}   -   hare
Hass {m}   -   hass
Hass {m}   -   hate
Hast, Eile, eilen,schnell   -   hurry
Hast, hasten   -   haste
Jagd, Verfolgung   -   chase
Eile {f}   -   haste
Eile {f}; Hast {f}   -   haste
Eile {f}; Hast {f}   -   hurry
   |    next 15 »
Law of Procrastination: Procrastination avoids boredom; one never has the feeling that there is nothing important to do.
processing time: 1.003 [sec]

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