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47 results German - English substring search »
Ehe, Heirat   -   marriage
Ehe {f}; Heirat {f}   -   marriage
Trauung {f}; Hochzeit {f}; Vermählung {f}; Ehe {f}   -   marriage
Ehebett {n}   -   marriage-bed
Ehebund {m}   -   marriage-tie
Eherecht {n}   -   marriage-law
Mehrehe {f}   -   plural marriage
Zivilehe {f}   -   civil marriage
Mitgift {f}   -   marriage-portion
Traurede {f}   -   marriage-sermon
Einzelehe {f}   -   single marriage
Trauung {f}   -   marriage-ceremony
Vielehe {f}   -   multiple marriage
Ehevertrag {m}   -   marriage-contract
Ehevertrag   -   marriage settlement
   |    next 15 »
Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
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