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183 results German - English substring search »
Nacht {f}   -   night
nachts   -   at night
Nachts   -   by night
nachts   -   by night
Nacht..   -   night-time
Nacht...   -   night-time
Nachtlohn   -   night pay
Nachteule {f}   -   night owl
Premiere {f}   -   first night
Männerabend   -   stag night
Nachtarbeit   -   night-work
Nachtdienst   -   night duty
Nachtflug   -   night flight
Nachtleben {n}   -   night life
Nachttresor   -   night safe
   |    next 15 »
Nasrudin walked into a teahouse and declaimed, "The moon is more useful than the sun." "Why?", he was asked. "Because at night we need the light more."
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