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231 results German - English substring search »
über, schlimm, krank, schlecht   -   ill
krank   -   ill
Groll {m}   -   ill will
bis   -   till
still   -   mum
Apnö, Atemstillstand   -   apnea, cessation of breathing (medical)
bis   -   untill
Dill {m}   -   dill
Kasse   -   till
Mühle   -   mill
Mühle, Fabrik, Walzwerk   -   mill
noch   -   still
Nut, Rille   -   furrow
still   -   hush
töten, auslöschen, aufheben   -   kill
   |    next 15 »
Never speak ill of yourself, your friends will always say enough on that subject. -- Charles-Maurice De Talleyrand
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