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396 results German - English substring search »
sind   -   are
sind; seid   -   are
freust   -   are glad
sollen   -   are to be
es sind   -   there are
geizest   -   are stingy
Hallo, guten Tag!   -   How are you?
heißest   -   are called
irrst   -   are mistaken
taugst   -   are good for
verspätest   -   are late
rar   -   rare
Hase {m}   -   hare
Kost {f}; Verpflegung {f}; Nahrung {f}; Speise {f}   -   fare
wagen   -   dare
   |    next 15 »
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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